Annual Review of Swiss Archaeology

Current issue: Annual Review of Swiss Archaeology 106 (2023)

Aufsätze — Articles — Articoli

Markus Asal, Münzen erzählen Geschichte. Erkenntnisse zur Siedlungsentwicklung im Vorfeld der spätrömischen Befestigung auf dem Basler Münsterhügel auf der Basis numismatischer Auswertungen 7

Anaïs Deville, Gabriele Giozza, François Mariéthoz, Sa- muel van Willigen, Jehanne Affolter, Kurt Altorfer, Stefan Ansermet, Jacqueline Détraz-Méroz, Nicole Reynaud Savioz, Laurine Viel, Un nouvel ensemble funéraire exceptionnel en contexte Chamblandes : les sépultures néolithiques de Sion-Avenue de Tourbillon VS 23

Urs Leuzinger, Simone Benguerel, Torsten Bogatzky, Stefan Di Staso, Irene Ebneter, Thomas Keiser, Linda Leuenberger, Christoph Müller, Jakob Näf und Hansjörg Brem, Die bronzezeitliche Deponierung von Wagenhausen/Etzwilen-Tättebüel TG 65

Karl Oberhofer, Das Balneum der Villa von Sargans-Malerva SG. Ein Beitrag zum römerzeitlichen Badewesen im Alpenrheintal 81

Johannes Wimmer, Örni Akeret, Die späthallstattzeitlichen Gruben von Beringen-Unter dem Stalden SH im Kontext ritueller Handlungen 113

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For authors

Manuscripts for articles created according to the editorial guidelines are to be submitted by 20 September, the deadline for communications is 1 November, for the issue of the following year. The editorial office will subject the manuscript to an initial review. This is followed by a peer review supervised by the Scientific Commission. If the article is accepted or if minor changes have been implemented, it will be edited. Authors receive a PDF of the galley proofs for review.

Contact: Ellen Thiermann

Editorial guidelines (German)

Additional guidelines by the Römisch-Germanische Kommission RGK (German)

Rules of publication (German)

Author’s obligation (German)


Book reviews are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Guidelines for book reviews (German)


Finds reports

The short reports on the most important excavations and archaeological interventions of the cantonal offices are to be submitted by 20 December each year, taking into account the current guidelines. The reports are then edited.

Contact: Simone Voegtle

Guidelines for finds reports (German)